The Cactaceae,
Vol. 1 & Vol. 2
N.L. Britton & J.N. Rose
The Carnegie Institution
In 2006, Daniel Schweich began to reproduce in electronic format the four volumes of the book The Cactaceae issued from 1919 to 1923 by the Carnegie Institution. This is an independent project by Mr. Schweich, and the PDFs produced are entirely his effort. The Carnegie Institution's contribution has been limited to providing server space for the resulting PDFs.
Because scanning books and then interpreting and reformatting text is labor-intensive and imperfect work, mistakes may have been introduced, and thus
the Carnegie Institution and Daniel Schweich are not responsible for the content of or any errors in these files.
However, anybody who finds errors or misprints or wants to comment on the files is welcome. You may contact Daniel Schweich at
Please send e-mail only if really necessary!
Further details:
There are two PDF files per volume:
Volume 1 | Image File PDF 96 MB | Optically Recognized File PDF 35 MB |
Volume 2 | Image File PDF 100 MB | Optically Recognized File PDF 35 MB |
Volume 3 | Image File PDF 103 MB | Optically Recognized File PDF 26 MB |
Volume 4 | Image File PDF 133 MB | Optically Recognized File PDF 24 MB |
Joseph Nelson Rose, 1885. Photo courtesy of the Robert T. Ramsay, Jr. Archival
Center at Wabash