Ault's voyages:
Easter Island 
Last cruise 
Shipboard Life 
Cruises map 

Ault's letter, page 1 |
"Tues. Morn.
Mamie, I forgot to tell you of a letter which Capt. Welker received from Dr. Bauer. He is offered charge of the Pacific expedition and Mr. Somers and myself are mentioned as members of the party. The sailing-vessel has been chartered. It is the "Galilee". 132 ft. long. He was offered $300 per mo. But he will not accept. Does not fancy a 6 or 7 mos. cruise on a little sailing vessel. I have heard nothing about it from the office myself. They wanted to start the first of May but will not try to start till June or July, getting back in Nov. What do you think about it, Mamie? Shall I go? I will tell you frankly that I am not much pleased with the outlook. The only reason I would go would be for the money and to see that part of the world. I may consider it if they offer me enough. It is going to be a miserable trip, and if I go I expect I will wish I had not, many times. It may be a good chance to do some special studying and reading and I will be able to save a good deal. But I don't know hardly what to think about it. Nothing ventured, nothing had. I expect in after years I will be glad I went. I am not worried about the risk, that is very little.
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