Canada canoe trip
Canada map 

Ault's voyages:
Easter Island 
Last cruise 
Shipboard Life 
Cruises map 
Ault's letter, page 3 |
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We are going to carry plenty of grub because it gets to be pretty expensive as we go north + we expect to get game once in awhile + fish very often.
Wed. evening or rather Thurs. morning 12:30
Mail comes here once a month via Prince Albert + canoe. We expect to be back here early in Sept. Go to the Pas from here by canoe + out to Etomami by handcar, where we catch the Canadian Northern main line.
Mrs. Rossen here made us a veil each for our hat to keep out the mosquitoes + we have gauntlet gloves so we are out to survive them all right. Little girl, my heart is overflowing with love for you. Mamie, it is so hard to be away from you, but it will not be for so very long. Be brave, and I will come back to you safe + sound, God willing. And won't we be happy this next winter, and I will tell you tales of hunting moose + caribou, shooting rapids, + beautiful rivers + lakes. Mamie, little wife, God Bless you + keep you + help me to be brave. Sometimes I wonder how I can thinking of being away from you all summer. I don't think I will ever do it again. Stewart + I have promised ourselves that if we go again we will take our wives and I know that I will. Mamie San, Mamie mia. I do love you so hard + miss you so much. Pray hard for me + love me hard. Ah. I wish I could grab you up in my arms now. It seems so long since I held you to my heart last. Dear little wife I kiss you from my heart. 22. 22. Did you hear them?
Ault's letter, page 4 |
Goodbye darling wife. Take good care of yourself. And don't worry about me. Remember that I am thinking about you always + loving you always + coming back to you in September. Goodbye. God bless my girl. Your loving husband + dear old boy,
Percy Ault."
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