Shipboard life
Ault's voyages:
Easter Island 
Last cruise 
Shipboard Life 
Cruises map 
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Ault's letter, page 2 |
We wished we had gone to the Methodist. The Chief Justice + the Colonial Sec'y took Mr. Peters, Mrs. P. + I for a sail yesterday, also to see the magnetic station where we will observe. It is a beautiful place here. Pine clad islands all around a quiet harbor. Clear water. White coral bottom + variegated colored fish darting about. We visited the aquarium. Saw some very wonderful fishes, octopi, etc. Mrs. P had the mail for us the other night, but after Mr. P left us to join her he could not connect with us so we returned empty handed. She is looking very well indeed, but pretty thin. She don't compare at all with you in intellectual ability, poise of manner + general bearing of culture. She is too impulsive. I like her though, she seems very thoughtful of others.
I saw Mark Twain on the street yesterday. He was sitting in his buggy buying a straw hat. I recognized him at once, from his pictures, but I guess he did not notice me. He may not have gotten a good look at me. I'll try to get over it.
I supposed you have been informed of my raise ere this. 1600 per annum but while in field $1782 per annum. The more, the merrier. Everybody got a raise, I guess. I got my uniform cleaned + pressed yesterday + when I dressed up this A.M. I wanted you to see me Dear Heart, but I will be happy when I can open my arms for you to come. Got a haircut + shampoo + a lb. of chocolate. "
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