Ault's voyages:
Easter Island 
Last cruise 
Shipboard Life 
Cruises map 
"Club Hotel
Yokohama, Japan
Aug. 26 '06
Sunday Eve.
My Darling Mamie:-

Ault's letter, page 1. |
Well, Mamie, a good many things have happened since I wrote you last. I have been caught in a Japanese typhoon + have been shipwrecked. The Galilee dragger her anchor and landed on the breakwater + sank. Capt. Hayes + Mr. Peters went ashore about 10 Fri. morn + it was pretty stormy then. At 11:30 the other achor was let go + at 12 she began to drag. The wind was N. when she began to drag or we should have been dashed to pieces on the breakwater in a very few min. Would not have saved anything. But we drifted rapidly till she took a position between the two Lighthouses, there holding, sometimes swinging in between + again tailing straight for the White L.H. About 2 the wind NE became simply terrific. I could not face it + could not stand alone.
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